When Blakey and I started this site we put a guestbook on it, expecting one or two messages every couple of weeks asking who was up for a skate on the weekend.

Well we all know how the guestbook has been since then, and Im sure youre all familiar with how narky I got about it when it got clogged up with crap.

Heres the score: the guestbook is for guests. Dont use it to talk to people.. use the forum. If the guestbook ends up like it did on the old site Ill just get rid of it and youll have to learn to like the forum.

The forum is better anyway, because you can set topics, so you only have to read what you want to.. unlike the guestbook where you have to read all the bullshit before you get to what you actually want to see.

The chatroom is just a Brucie Bonus. We used to have one a while ago, but it never got used. Im going to give it a second go, because I know how many of you are hooked on Messenger. Lets jsut see how it goes.

Rant over, enjoy the new stuff.

© sean leahy 2002

You all know the score with this one. Sign here to let us know whats up.. What you think of the site, of us, whats going down with yo posse etc etc.

view the guestbook


The forum is a new addition to the site. Let the slagging commence.. thats what its here for.

Choose the topic you want to read to view it, then click on 'next' to read replies (if there are any).

view the forum

Mad posh.. not only can you leave us messages, but now you can speak to us online! How computer nerd is that? I know how many of you are addicted to MSN messenger, so now you can all join together in an orgy of networked non-visual speech. Enjoy.

chat now