> see the pics from Guildford Comp 02
> see the pics from Masters of Mytchett
> see the pics from King of the UG
> see the pics from Fboro Skatejam

'Rampage' Guildford Comp
July 2001

The first contest (apart from bmx and blading) was the under16s street, which was won by Jack from Farnham. Sorry I didnt get any pics cos I got there late. Congrats go out to Jack who weve all skated with, and deserved to win. Good lad.

Highest Ollie Contest:
The highest ollie contest was well contested by a lot of skaters including Jack and Swavey, but on the end it came down to just two... Justin from Guildford, and our very own Adam, who both cleared a height of 35 inches (youre damn right thats big), well done boys.

Over 16s Street finals:

Next came the serious business. The street comp. Loads of locals and people from around that we know entered. Everyone skated well, notably Ad, Justin and Ben, but the overall winner, once again was Adam making it a double for the boro. Sneak.

Miniramp contest:

Rumour has it that the miniramp contest was open to skater, bmxers and frootbooters, but only boarders entered. It was a free-for-all for about 15 minutes, where anyone could skate or ride, and one person would be crowned king of the ramp. Again, lots of the same old faces entered. Good runs by Ad, Frog, Ben and lots more, but the winner was Dan from Ashot. Congratulations.

Best Trick Contest:
This definitely was for anyone to enter, and enter they did. Plenty of variety in this one. Ben flip stinky on mini (sick), Jack double nollie flip fakie on the bank (oh my god), and Steve Whittaker did a huge abubaca on the back rail of the mini (see photo), unlanded though. A certain winner if he pulled it. The winner in the end though, was Justin, who did a flip manual to one footed manual across the mini. Yes it was mad.

All the prizes were generously donated by Route One skateshop and Money Clothing. What a lovely bunch of people. Money clothes are good, you should buy some.

click on thumbnails for bigger pics
All photos by Seen

© sean leahy 2002

ben: fakie flip - flip stinky - fs indy grab - lil frog pre-boardslide

frog tailslide - street contenders - justin ? - whitbag fufanu

ads high ollie of 35 inches - ad and justin tie for highest, and win