This section has all the latest news (and probably horrible rumours) about the Farnborough Skatepark.

> read the skatepark news
> read the regiment 36 news
> read the news archives no1
> read the news archives no2

Number 2 is the most recent

Below are photos of the park at various stages. The one at the top is most recent. Its a bit out of date now though.

© sean leahy 2002

27 / 10 / 02

Farnborough Skatepark is open! Pics soon.


13 / 10 /02

Me, Dog, Gin and Roy went to check the park today on the way to the carboot, and Peerless let us in the park to have a butchers. He explained to us lots of things that we were uncertain about, so I can now clear a couple of things up.

> The streetspine is now going to be made of marine ply.
> The box on the hip will be put on, and runs the full length of it.
> There will be a three foot wide manualpad, possibly at two different heights alongside the midi.
> The skatelite has started to be put on the midi - it hasnt been lost.
> The elbowed quarter / flat that was to go in the corner nearest the tree will now only be a quarter facing the half 50p hip in the opposite corner.
> The bank which was to elbow onto it will now go between the two minis to be used as a run up / run out for the manual pad / grind box.
> The park will possibly be finished by friday (the 18th), but has to be inspected by Rosper, the safety committee, so it wont be open til after that. There is no set date for an opening yet, but I assure you it is soon, just in time for this crap weather.

04 / 10 / 02

The frames are up for the mini, the midi, and the quarters / flatbanks on the streetspine side. Some of the ramps have had their first surface put on. There is a rumour that some kid got caught inside the park a couple of nights ago by the police, and was 'banned for life.' Whether thats true or not, I really dont know.

28 / 09 / 02

Well now, I guess its up to me to clear up all these rumours that have been floating about, seeing as some people seem to think Im in charge of the park.

Yes, its true, a lot of money was spent on landscaping. No, not 'flowers.' This is due to a lot of factors.. Sport England, local people not wanting an 'eyesore' etc etc. Its no good telling me that the money could have been spent on more ramps, because there isnt any room for more ramps. Its as simple as that.

The midi is big. It looks smaller because its flat to the ground, whereas Playstation is about a foot off the floor, making it taller overall.

The park isnt up yet, lets see what it looks like before we all start complaining shall we?

28 / 08 / 02

Farnborough Skatepark is finally on its way.

After more than a year of sorting out financial things and whatnot, the skatepark that Farnborough has so desperately needed for so long is finally being built.

As you should all know by now, we got the Lottery funding that weve been trying for.. all £92,000 of it, so now along with £78,000 from Rushmoor Borough Council and another £5,500 from Swivel skateshop, Hampshire Playing fields association and Rushmoor Community Safety Partnership. All in all thats a decent parks worth of money.

As you can see from the pictures, work is well underway. The power-floated concrete base is all done and the sleepers and fencing is almost all done.

As it says in the news, the opening day has unfortunately been put back from the original date of the 8th of September. It now looks more likely to be around late September, early October.

What this does mean, however, is that the plans could be adjusted slightly to make the park better.

Originally the Dutch Blocks were going to be put in the park at the far end, but according to playground guidlines (yeah, I know), they arent 'safe' enough to go in the park because they arent officially a skate obstacle. To get round this, it looks like they will be put outside the park.

The ramp builders at Fearless Ramps go on site on September 2nd, so its not long now.

If you build it, they will come.