In this section you can read a selection of the quotes that have been said by someone or other that made us laugh in a 'you had to be there' kind of a way.

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Want to get a quote on this page? Say something funny then.

Quotes in black are the most recent.


© sean leahy 2002

Can we do that blowjob thing that made me pass out while throwing up?
Dave remembers a cocktail that Blakey gave him for his birthday

Its alright in here
Bart in the boot of Seens car after his birthday kidnapping

Can anyone else smell curry?
Mike in Zaffrons winebar, which is also a curry house

I chose bro's, not ho's
Gin looks after Bert before he looks after the ladies

Leahy.. write this down. Grill has ordered a Fosters top, and hes drinking it!
Blakey gets over-excited on the phone

Dude, can we go to the metal club now?
Grill on wine

My love is the shit
Gin quotes DJ Assault to woo the ladies

I am the ginger warlord.. gimme my sword and I'll cut off your arm
Mikey Terra makes up a song for Bert

Check out the drinking wound

Bart shows off his scars

I dont like drinking but it feels too good to stop

I hate people like you who skate foampits and shit.. and all Ive got is lager and a P&O hat

Bert gets upset

The only slot that’s gonna let you in tonight is the fruity
Ad tells Bert the sad truth

Look at you, you cant even control your face
Grace gets angry at Porty

Simon Venn is a credit to the nation

Sidewalk magazine

This ones got horns! Im gonna stroke it
Seen goes cow stroking after the Ag

I need the right song to knee-slide to
Ging wants the Ag to play some old school rock

No time for small-talk, I'm listening to slayer

Jez tells Seen to keep schtum

Sean, the last thing I want to see on my doormat in the morning is your face looking up at me
Seens work colleagues werent as impressed as some with the paper pics

What is it then? Women in the kitchen and blokes in the skatepark?

Joe Scully off Neighbours has the right idea

I went to make a cup of tea and the kettle was rattling, so I opened it up and there was an egg inside it
Vents clears up after his party

Just because you fancy one ladyboy doesnt make you gay
Ben tries (badly) to defend his manhood

Let me just check my care bank... Oh, I'm overdrawn

Seen isnt impressed with Duncs shennanigans

Ive spotted the troublemakers already, and its them over there
The quizmaster at the Blam points out the massive's table

Whats a wifebeater? I thought it was a big stick
Steve just before he received some stern looks

Do you remember the time Bart got into a fight with my bookcase... and what's more, he lost?

Steve reminisces about the good old days.

I won an under 13's inline competition, thats how cool I am

Matt puts the heat on himself

Apparently I was talking to a bloke on the train, and I can remember what he looks like, but Joe says there was nobody there
Benny boy try's mind altering drugs

Barts got better at skating ever since Bennet slapped his dick round his face

Blake considers Barts abilities

I gotta get me a fat chick, theyll do anything

I get so much respect being Merlins Mum
Mrs Merlin

Why are you always skating switch man, whats your problem?
Some yank accuses Bart of being over-tech

Oh for gods sake, he even rolls down my street switch

Seen gets pissed of with Bart too

All this shit, added to this shit just leads to more shit
Bart gets philosophical

Why cant the toilet just come to me?
Bart has the hangover blues

Whoah, that channel gap was mad Tony Hawk style

Ashot Phil b/s 5050s at crawley, and is stoked

I want a quote on the page, but ive got nothing to say cos Im a woman
Eleanor is jealous